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 Rhinoplasty and nose job surgery are the same item and meaning. It means plastic surgery to the nose to remove or fix a deformity and make the nose more pretty

Rhinoplasty  become the most plastic surgery performed nowadays. As if you look to any beautiful and attractive person you will find his nose contribute to his beauty 

Persons with deformed or ugly nose, have unattractive face; and when you look to their face , you will find somewhat is wrong, and if you concentrate in their face, you will find the problem. If you meet this person with deformed nose again and again, your eyes will go to their nose in incontrollable manner and their faces will be uncomfortable to your eyes

No one can deny that he think about performing nose job in his life. And all thought were not upgraded to seek rhinoplasty or nose job. Either because his concerns are small or he fear about surgery or fear of complications and outcomes or financial problems and the costs of the operation

Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery change the shape of face dramatically. The bigger the deformity of the nose, the bigger change of facial features. The small deformity, the small change will occur. The person who will perform this surgery should know this fact, and must be prepared psychologically to avoid any psychological problem after surgery

A lot of people can lose their identity and previous face character after surgery. As an example, if the nose before surgery is so big, and the nose become small after surgery, this person will feel that "oh no, this  is not my face and i become another person, a lot of people will starry at me and on my nose". This specially will occur in person with a big  deformed nose with thin skin, as the result appear early after cast removal. A lot of these persons fear to meet their relatives and friends with their new nose. A lot of them withdraw in their home and avoid to meet peoples to avoid their reactions. Many of them seek to cover their nose with plasters and masks

This will take some of time to accustom their new faces and noses. Many of them can bother their plastic surgeon about the result, and say " oh my doctor, i can't imagine this new look before surgery, I am not happy, can i get my old nose". He does not mean it really, but he does not know what to do in this situation. So it is so important to prepare the patient before surgery about the change of his look

The relatives of the patient have a big role  before the operation and during and after the operation. They impact the patient feeling and psychology dramatically. They can support or can depress the patient. So they also need to learn how to deal with the patient in appropriate manner. We will talk about that in a detailed article

How can I know that I need nose job surgery? And how I know, I will be happy after surgery or not. How I know that I really has a problem in my nose or not? How I can choose appropriate surgeon for my nose. As there are a lot of nose job surgeon, and they have different thinking and skills and postoperative results. As a good surgeon may be appropriate to me but not to others. My nose may like other person nose, but the result is different in the same doctor or among doctors. So how I can choose between plastic surgeon. All of these need detailed articles. And we will talk about all of these

Who perform this operation ( rhinoplasty or nose job surgery ). Rhinoplasty performed by doctors specialized in facial plastic surgery. And to be specials in this part of plastic surgery, the surgeon must be trained in facial plastic surgery for years and perform a lot of operations to have a license to perform this operation alone in dependent manners and pass their exam 

In USA the surgeon must has a board certification in facial plastic surgery. Their original certification either otolaryngologist and take a fellowship in facial plastic surgery or general plastic surgery and become specialized in facial plastic surgery

So didn't surprise when you find that the rhinoplasty surgeon is otorhinolaryngologic. And I want to surprise you more and tell you that, the otolaryngologist is better than general plastic surgeon. Because the more detailed information's and diseases in nose, are better accessed by otolaryngologist. The nose  is not for shape only in our faces, but it had a function. And from its function are breathing, smelling, air condition and nasal tone of voice and vocalization

So you have to be concern about the function of nose not only the shape of your nose. As one of most scaring complication after nose job , is to lose the function and the ability to breath will or your voice become closed like someone has common cold and his voice change

And one of the common cause of failed operation, is the nasal obstruction and difficulty to breath proper as before the operation. In that situation the person can seek a revision or redo operation to fix this problem

So don't make your concern about shape of the nose only, you must buy attention to your breath and function, and you must ask your doctor about that before surgery. Is this operation to fix my nose or to decrease it's size and projection will affect the nasal breathing or not ?  Will it be worse or the same or better after surgery. Honest surgeon will tell you in detailed. And he shouldn't hide any information from you, to push you for surgery and i prefer the patient to note all the surgeon words in detailed and to read it again and again while you decide for the operation. As many of information during the consultation, the patient can't remember when he return home. If that occur and he didn't remember doctor advise, he should arrange for another consultation to remember the surgeon words and to ask about some explanation for new question arise in his mind

Be sure that you understand all what you need before surgery as it is not the operation to rush for 

Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery is a skillful operation and consider the top of all plastic surgery which need a high skillful and experienced surgeon. Rhinoplasty or nose job is the operation of millimeters and no margin of error. Any very small measurement can change the equilibrium and equation and make change of shape and deformity. For the rhinoplasty surgeon, to reach this high level of surgery experience, he need years and a lot of operation to do. The surgeon learn from his previous operations. How he learn and become expert and can give best results

The surgeon who see a lot of patients and perform their operations and follow his patients along months and years, he develop his own vision and thought about the results and how to get best result like other his previous best results. He also know what happened in his previous failed operation, and he will avoid it in his upcoming surgery. He developed experience from what he saw in his previous surgery during the operation and how he dealt with it and which technique is the best for this bizarre situation. He can also deal with unexpected complications can occur after surgery. If he found that the patient need revision or redo surgery, he will be the best for doing this, as he know what happened in the previous surgery

The patient best chance to get best result from rhinoplasty or nose job surgery, is the first operation he do. Any operation after the first one, will not give him best result. In other words, revision or redo surgery result will not be good like he can get from first primary operation. This is because his nose become not virgin, there are fibrosis and bands occurs in his nose after the first operation under skin, the cartilage and bones become deformed and less flexible to reshape and fix it. Yes you can fix any complications occur after primary surgery in a revision surgery, but still the best result you can get from the primary rather than the revision

Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery is not a lite procedure. It can change your life to the better or the worse. So you have to know all information about it, to have a good decision to proceed or not

A lot of articles about rhinoplasty and nose job will be written here. Read it to help you for making good decision. You can write your comment and we will reply
