القائمة الرئيسية


facial fractures

naso- ‏ethmoidal orbital fracture type ‎1 ‏with nasal dorsum flatten and left ZMC zygomatico maxillary complex fracture and sagittal split of hard palate with central incisor flaring  ‎اصلاح ‏كسور ‏الوجه ‏والفكين ‏أفضل ‏جراح ‏بالقاهرة ‏ومصر
naso- ethmoidal orbital fracture type 1 with nasal dorsum flatten and left zygomatico maxillary complex fracture and sagittal split of hard ...
أقراء المزيد
Right zygomatic maxillary complex fracture with superior orbital wall fracture. كسر ‏بعظمة ‏الوجنة ‏والزيجوما ‏وحجاج ‏العين
Right zygomatico-maxillary complex fracture ( ZMC ) with superior orbital wall fracture in male patient 10 years old, resulted from motor ca...
أقراء المزيد
zygomatic arch fracture reduced under local anesthesia with zygomatic hook.       كسر ‏بعظمة ‏الوجنه ‏الزيجوما ‏ورد ‏الكسر ‏تحت ‏مخدر ‏موضعي
Male patient presented by facial trauma in his farm, came to the hospital of zagazig university in egypt with facial oedema and pain and ten...
أقراء المزيد
naso- ‏orbital ethmoidal fracture, ‏telescopic fracture with frontal sinus anterior table fracture. ‏كسر ‏بعظمة ‏الجبهة ‏وكسر ‏بعظمة ‏الانف ‏والعين ‏والوجه
patient came to the emergency unit of Zagazig university hospital with trauma in motor car accident. after examina...
أقراء المزيد
naso-ethmoid orbital fracture with inferior orbital wall fracture.                        كسر ‏بالأنف ‏وحجاج ‏العين ‏السفلي ‏
Patient with naso-ethmoid orbital fracture and inferior orbital wall fracture came to the emergency unit of zagazig ...
أقراء المزيد
bilateral parasymphyseal fracture of the mandible in edentulous old patient.        كسر ‏بالفك ‏السفلي ‏لمريض ‏مسن ‏فاقد ‏للاسنان
Old patient came to emergency unit in zagazig university hospital with facial trauma in a car accident. After genera...
أقراء المزيد
إصلاح ‏كسر ‏بالأنف ‏والعين ‏والجبهة. ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏naso-orbital ‎ethmoidal ‎fracture ‎
* مريض حضر الى الطوارئ بعد حادثة موتوسيكل وتبين أنه طفل ٥ سنوات وبه كسر في الوجه ووجود جرح خارجي بين الانف والعين . ...
أقراء المزيد
maxillofacial fracture le forte type 2 nasoethmoid orbit fracture and bilateral zmc and palatal split and right angular fracture
أقراء المزيد
maxillofacial injury, zygomatic bone and arch comminuted fracture with subcondylar and coronoid mandibular fracture. ct maxillofacial axial and coronal and 3D
Approach to zygoma through hemi coronal incision and reduction of displaced fragment of zygoma and fixation by microplates and screws. Appro...
أقراء المزيد
Right zygomatic maxillary fracture ZMC. ‏Old fracture from ‎2 ‏month                ‎كسر ‏بعظمة ‏الوجنه ‏والوجه ‏قديم
Old right zygomatic maxillary complex fracture from 2 months which reduced through subciliary incision and mallunion bone separated by osteo...
أقراء المزيد
Right zygomatic maxillary fracture
History:  The patient had road traffic accident and came to emergency department and general condition evaluated. Glascow coma scale was 14 ...
أقراء المزيد
Right neck laryngocele
History : Male patient presented with neck swelling on the right side of the neck at the level of thyroid cartilage months ago. No history ...
أقراء المزيد
Blow out fracture of the orbit
Child male patient 6 years old had a car accident. He had a fracture in the left zygomatic bone with fracture of the left orbital floor. ...
أقراء المزيد
fracture zygoma , zygomayicomaxillary complex fracture , tripode fracture ,  ct axial and coronal and 3D
NAME : AHMED GAMAL . FRACTURE : Lt ZMC. OPERATION: subciliary incision and sublabial incision, then reduction of zygoma and fixation ...
أقراء المزيد