After the oedema subside, patient face examined for any abnormality or fracture. There was depression and step at the left zygomatic arch with asymmetry between the two malar eminence with pain and tenderness in palpation.
CT Scan axial , coronal, 3D reconstruction was performed to show the fractured area. There was a left zygomatic arch fracture with depressed lateral part of the zygoma.
The patient prepared for reduction under local anesthesia. Local anesthesia lidocaine was infiltrated in the area of zygoma. Zygomatic hook inserted under the zygoma percutaneous and tucked ander the zygomatic arch midway between the inferior orbital margin and the auricle.
The zygomatic arch elevated and reduced efficient. And there were no need for general anesthesia or surgical opening or fixation by plats and screws.
إرسال تعليق
أكتب تعليقك او استفساراتك وسيتم الرد من قبل استشارى متخصص في جراحات وامراض الانف والاذن والحنجرة وتجميل الانف والوجه